To determine those items material to our Better Days™ Promise social and environmental purpose strategy, a team of senior leaders, with input from internal and external stakeholders, undertook a materiality assessment process to understand the company’s current and potential Better Days™ Promise ethical and economic impacts. Although there are a myriad of important issues facing society today, we focus on the intersection of those that are most material to our business and where we can have the greatest impact given the reach of our operations, supply chain and value chain. In identifying material topics, the team focused on those that:
We also regularly conduct a comprehensive mapping exercise to evaluate our material topics against all 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a result, we expanded our materiality matrix across our value chain and indicated those “Priority SDGs” most aligned with our work. We also identified “Additional SDGs” that are important to our business and that we impact, however, those listed as Priority are where we concentrate our Better Days™ Promise efforts.
Our materiality matrix lists the four sections of our Better Days™ Promise social and environmental purpose strategy and the topics within each. It also indicates the boundaries of each topic across our value chain and the SDGs we’ve identified as either “Priority” or “Additional” for each of these workstreams.